Protect from Copy and Disable Copy Content on Blogger

Even as we know in this kind of Technical word everyone deserve to be online along with the run as good as rabbit in the daily growing Technology but daily tones of article published on web via blogger/blog, wordpress, Facebook, Twitter as much as most social site and blogging platforms but do you think the content you publish with your online portal is safe or not there are a lot of visitors just visit for verifying and comparing your content these are so many people who wish to BF finest blogger in the short time I spend so in this tutorial my goal is to share files over to disable or band the copy paste option throw your site to protect them from copycats to copy your whole content on your blogger website.

Let's Secure from Copy Pasters :
  • As You know first step is to go to
  • Now click on Layout as below screenshot

  • Now Click on Add a Gadget
  • Now click on HTML/JavaScript as below Screenshot
  • Now copy the below code and paste on Blank Box on Your HTML/JavaScript Blogger Box

  • Now click on save and try to copy Your Blog Post. [ Unable to Copy ]


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