10 Stylish Cursor for Blogger [ Easy Setup ]

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Today I will give you 10 stylish beautiful Mouse cursor pointer for your blogspot of blog site I hope you will enjoy it all Mouse cursor pointer created by CSS and it will end at present but overall site take a look how they are going to add.

How to add the CSS code:
  • Customer login your blogger account 
  • Then go to template and click on edit HTML 
  • After opening template editor Click anywhere inside template
  • Press CTRL + F from keyboard search </head>code paste before </head> closing tag.

1. Black Cursor:

2. Blue Flower Cursor:

3. Blue GIF Cursor:↴

4. Green Cursor:

5. Hand Cursor:

6. Ruby Cursor:

7. Cursorz:

8.Sultan Cursor:

9.Pink Cursor

10.Sword Cursor:

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10 stylish Cursor for Blog, 10 stylish Cursor for Blogger, 10 stylish Cursor for wordpress HTML code, 10 stylish Cursor Easy Setup

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